With over 20 years of international management and manufacturing advisory experience gained primarily from the Automotive OEM sector in Europe and Asia we have become leading experts in the field of production systems, lean manufacturing and business performance improvement
Our primary areas of focus are in manufacturing strategy, manufacturing plant design, operations management, business turnaround, change programme design & implementation and providing interim management services
Our mission is to add real sustainable value to our clients. A successful mission from our perspective is where we have positively impacted your EBITDA, we have effectively solved the problem and most importantly we have developed your people
Providing interim management support to a FTSE250 FMCG company. Fulfilling the role of Head of Operations we were responsible for the manufacturing and logistics operations consisting of 3 production sites and 7 distribution centres. A £300m revenue company with 500 operations staff our role was the rapid turnaround of the poorly performing manufacturing sites
Consolidation of manufacturing footprint and redesign of a brownfield production site for a private equity backed global manufacturer of data centre equipment in Eastern Europe. We successfully halved the required investment level
Rapid operational performance turnaround and headcount optimisation of an industrial scale food manufacturer based in Western Europe brought out of insolvency by a private equity group